Summer Sessions 2019 Course Syllabus
Course: VNSG-1234- Section: 12
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Instructor Information
Instructor Diane Hare
Phone(409) 984-6358
Location:Allied Health - Room: 127
Hours:As posted and by appointment
Allied Health
Chair:Shirley MacNeill
Phone:(409) 984-6365
Course Information
Description Study of the care of the pediatric patient and family during health and disease. Emphasis on growth and developmental needs utilizing the nursing process.
Prerequisites VNSG 1400 Nursing in Health and Illness I    
VNSG 1227 Essentials of Medication Administration
VNSG 1231 Pharmacology
VNSG 1204 Foundations of Nursing
Learning Outcomes In accordance with the mission of Lamar State College-Port Arthur, this course assists students to develop the particular skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed for success as a vocational nurse. VNSG 1234 Pediatrics provides educational experiences that offer opportunities for students to:
1.    Identify safety principles related to child care. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 3) Measured by: exams and discussions based on readings; clinical simulations; observed clinical rotations; case studies
2.    Identify common childhood illnesses. (PSLO Alpha) Measured by: discussions and exams based on assigned readings, current literature and internet news
3.    Utilize the nursing process to provide safe care for the well or ill child. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 2; PSLO 3; PSLO 4) Measured by: case studies and care plans; discussions based on reading assignments; simulations and clinical rotations
4.    Apply concepts of growth and development when providing care to pediatric patients. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 3) Measured by: clinical rotation interactions based on assigned readings, class discussions, simulations and case studies
5.    Discuss nursing care of pediatric patients and their families in various settings. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 2; PSLO 3) Measured by: discussions based on readings; case studies and care plan exercises; clinical interactions
6.    Differentiate the roles and responsibilities of the vocational nurse in administering medications to pediatric patients. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 4) Measured by: discussions and exams based on assigned readings and nurse practice act; skills check-offs and simulations; observed clinical interactions and experiences
Core Objectives Reading: Demonstrates the ability to analyze and interpret a variety of printed materials.
Writing: Produces clear, correct, and coherent prose adapted to purpose, occasion, and audience.
Speaking: Communicates orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive language appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience.
Listening: Demonstrates the ability to analyze and interpret various forms of spoken language.
Critical Thinking 1: Applies qualitative and/or quantitative skills analytically and creatively to subject matter.
Critical Thinking 2: Demonstrates the ability to evaluate arguments and construct alternative strategies.
Computer Literacy 1: Uses computer-based technology to communicate, solve problems, and acquire information.
Computer Literacy 2: Demonstrates an understanding of the limits, problems, and possibilities associated with the use of technology.
Intercultural Competence 1: Demonstrates awareness of similarities and differences between cultural groups.
Intercultural Competence 2: Demonstrates the ability to recognize global interconnectedness.
Intercultural Competence 3: Demonstrates a general knowledge of cultural evolution.
Program Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the Vocational Nursing Program graduates will, under the supervision of a professional licensed nurse and/or licensed physician, function in non-complex settings and should be able to:
PSLO Alpha: Reading Skills Demonstrates comprehension of content-area reading materials
PSLO 1.    Function within the legal, ethical and regulatory standards of the nursing profession.
PSLO 2.    Use a systematic problem-solving process in the care of multiple patients who have predictable health care needs to provide safe, individualized, goal-directed nursing care.
PSLO 3.    Adopt an approach to nursing practice that promotes safety for patients,significant others, self, and members of the healthcare team.
PSLO 4.    Cooperate with members of the interdisciplinary health care team to provide optimum, evidence-based, safe care to patients
Textbooks deWit, C. (2018). Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing (5th ed.). St Louis: Saunders Elsevier.
deWitt, C. (2017). Medical-surgical Nursing Concepts and Practice (3rd ed.). St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier.
Leifer, G. (2019). Introduction to Maternity & Pediatric Nursing (8th ed.). St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier.
NCLEX PN Passpoint Review 5,000: Please note: No other NCLEX PN Passpoint Review will be accepted. You must use the NCLEX PN Passpoint Review 5,000 access code provided to you for this
VNSG 1234-01, 870BDE7D
Log in with Lamar State College Port Arthur email ONLY to receive proper credit.
Note: Pedi PassPoint and will be counted in the average for VNSG 1234
Online HESI Case Studies: Complete PN Collection (2 Year Version)
Lecture Topics
Week 1: Syllabus; Growth and Development & Nutrition
Week 2: Infant, Toddler, Pre-K, Musculoskeletal
Week 3: School Age, Adolescent, PassPoint
Week 4: Exam I
Week 5: Gastrointestinal/Genitourinary, Communicable Diseases; Skin
Week 6: Metabolic Conditions, Emotional/Behavior, Blood & Lymph
Week 7: Exam II
Week 8: Cardiovascular
Week 9: Sensory/Neuro Condition, Respiratory
Week 10: Pediatric Hesi Practice, Pedi Exam III
Week 11: Pediatric Hesi, Final Exam
Major Assignments

06/25/19 Exam I 0800
07/16/19 Exam II 0800
08/05/19 Practice HESI 0800
08/06/19 Exam III 0800
08/13/19 HESI 0800
08/15/19 Final Exam 0800
PassPoint Assignments are due according to assigned schedule

Final Exam Date August 15, 2019 - 8:00 AM   Through  August 15, 2019 - 12:00 PM
Grading Scale 90-100 = A 80-89 = B 75-79 = C 60-74 = D Below 60 = F
Determination of
Final Grade
    Examinations are based on course objectives.
    Course content from the prerequisite courses will be included on exams as appropriate.
    Students are strongly encouraged to take exams as scheduled. If a student must miss an exam, the student must contact the instructor prior to the exam or within twenty-four (24) hours of the exam. No make-up unit exams are given. The numerical grade attained on the Comprehensive Final exam is substituted for any missed unit exam(s).
    No questions may be asked during the exams. No hats/caps/hoodies/smart watches/personal possessions other than keys, earbuds, and a pencil may be brought in to the exam. Students who arrive after the exam starts, but before it ends, may take the exam without penalty. No additional time is provided for late arrivals and student should come in quietly taking the first available seat. Once the exam period ends from the scheduled start time the student who arrived late must exit the exam. Questions unanswered will be counted wrong.
A specified amount of time will be set for testing. Test times for exams will be set up for 80 seconds per question. At the end of the allotted time, the computer will not record any further answers.
After each exam, the faculty uses psychometric principles to evaluate the examination. Items missed by 50% or more of the class are reviewed. If an item is found to be flawed, the faculty may give credit for more than one answer or nullify the item. When an item is nullified, the key is changed so that all answers are credited as correct. That is, if a student answered the item as originally keyed, the student will retain the credit for the item. If a students answer differs from the one originally keyed, the student is credited for the nullified item. In other words, everyone gets credit for the item and no one loses credit.
Test grades will not be available for a minimum of 24 hours post-test.
If a student scores less than 75% on a unit examination, it is highly recommended that the student make an appointment prior to the next exam with one of the course faculty. During the conference the student and instructor will review the examination and, with the assistance of the instructor, identify factors that may have contributed to the student's poor performance and identify strategies to improve performance on future examinations.
Any challenge to exam questions must be presented on provided form within 48 hours of the review of the exam. Disputed exam items must be submitted by the student along with proposed answer supported by documentation from the current textbook, handouts, and/or lecture reference material. During the exam review there should be no discussions with faculty or other students.
Any assignment or exam submitted without a students name will not receive credit.
Assignments such as PassPoint and HESI Case Studies will NOT be accepted past the appointed deadline.
The following method will be used to determine each students grade in the course.
Exam I 15%
Exam II 15%
Exam III 15%
HESI 10%
PassPoint 5%
Computer/Classroom 5%
Final 35%
Total 100%
Course Policies
Instructor Policies Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission.
No food or tobacco products are allowed in the classroom.
Electronic devices (including but not restricted to cell phones, MP3 players, and laptop computers) shall not be used during examinations unless specifically allowed by the instructor.
Use of electronic devices during normal class hours distracts other students, disrupts the class, and wastes valuable time. Instructors have an obligation to reduce such disruptions.
Students should turn their phones to vibrate before they enter the classroom.
No cell phones/smart watches should be visible during class without faculty approval
Use of tobacco products is prohibited on all LSC-PA properties at any time.

Additional classroom policies include:
Students and faculty of the Lamar State College-Port Arthur Vocational Nursing Program are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. To assure that faculty have the opportunity to teach and students have the opportunity to benefit from time spent in class, unless otherwise approved by the instructor, students are prohibited from engaging in distracting classroom behavior.

The following behaviors may result in the student being asked to cease the action, lose five (5) points on the next exam, and/or leave the classroom or labs:
Inappropriate and/or disruptive use of cell phones or other electronics
Talking or sleeping while the instructor is giving instructions or during class discussions/presentations;
Displaying a rude or negative attitude/behavior to the instructor or other students.
Counseling for repetitive tardiness

The following expectations apply to all courses:
Promptness is expected. Students should be on time for all classes and return from breaks promptly.
Students are expected to come to didactic, lab, and clinical experiences prepared and present as sincere, adult learners.
Phone calls and/or text messages should be returned only during scheduled breaks.
Cell phones must be on vibrate in the classroom and off and out of reach during testing and test reviews. In the event of an emergency, family can contact students through the AH Secretary, Vocational Nursing Program Coordinator, or Department Chair.
On-campus computers will only be used for classroom work.
All information shared by other students and instructors will remain confidential and should not be shared with others outside of the classroom or lab environment.
Students should not engage in side-bar discussions during classroom, exam reviews, clinical, and lab.
Comments should be directed to the faculty in charge of the classroom, clinical, or lab time.
All students are expected to actively participate in all discussions, activities, and exercises.
Students are expected to be open to new ideas and experiences and to step outside of their comfort zone.
A positive attitude is expected and comments should give supportive feedback.
The classroom, clinical, and lab environment is a judgment-free zone.
Students are responsible for their actions and are responsible for learning as much as possible from the experiences provided.
Students are encouraged to seek assistance from peers and faculty when needed to be successful.
Student support of each other in the learning environment is encouraged and expected. Supportive relationships with each other will allow a more positive learning environment to enable all to work together as a team and develop professionally.
Students are also expected to follow the guidelines and policies in the LSC-PA Vocational Nursing Student Handbook.
If a student is unable to maintain these expectations or stated program requirements, dismissal from the program may occur.
Attendance Policy Attendance at all scheduled classes and clinical experiences is expected. Research has shown that consistent class and clinical attendance contributes to successful completion of not only the Vocational Nursing Program, but also passing the NCLEX-VN. Regular attendance is an essential function of any job in nursing. Students who regularly miss class or clinical clearly demonstrate their refusal to be accountable to report to work regularly.
It is the students responsibility to notify the instructor prior to any absence. If the student is missing a clinical, classroom or lab day, s/he must notify the faculty.
Late arrival to class is disruptive. Students who consistently arrive after the scheduled starting time of class (2 or more times) will be counseled and a plan of action determined. Class will begin promptly at the scheduled time. Students who arrive ten (10) minutes after the beginning of class should not enter the classroom and should wait until break to enter. Repetitive tardiness may result in a 5 point deduction on next exam grade.
A student who is absent from course activities for three (3) days or more, without notification to faculty, may be withdrawn from the program by the program director.
Students on campus but not in class are considered absent.
It is the students responsibility to submit a completed student excuse form upon return to class following an absence, tardy, or leaving class early. Failure to do so will result in a declaration of no call, no show and may result in the student being dismissed from the program.
It is the students responsibility to notify the instructor of any absence. If the student is unable to contact the instructor(s), the student should call 409-984-6356 or 1-800-477-5872 ext. 6356. The student should also email the faculty or call the faculty office and leave a voicemail.Clinical uniforms are to be worn at all times while in the skills lab.
The program coordinator has the right to initiate the administrative withdrawal of any student whose attendance, conduct, scholastic abilities, attitude or lack of aptitude for vocational nursing makes it inadvisable for that student to continue in the program.
Academic Honesty Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSC-PA policies (Section IX, subsection A, in the Faculty Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty.
Facility Policies
  1. No food or tobacco products are allowed in the classroom.

  2. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission.

  3. Use of electronic devices is prohibited.
Important Information
ADA Considerations The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241.
MyLamarPA Be sure to check your campus E-mail and Course Homepage using MyLamarPA campus web portal ( When you've logged in, click the email icon in the upper right-hand corner to check email, or click on the "My Courses" tab to get to your Course Homepage. Click the link to your course and review the information presented. It is important that you check your email and Course Homepage regularly. You can also access your grades, transcripts, and determine who your academic advisor is by using MyLamarPA.
VNSG 1234 Pediatrics

1.    Topic: Dosage calculation for pediatric medication administration
Objective: Upon completion of the learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Accurately interpret medication labels.
b)    Accurately calculate dosages based on weight.
c)    Identify measures to safely administer medications to pediatric patients.
d)    Identify special precautions when administering oral, parenteral and intravenous therapy to pediatric patients
Differentiated Essential Competencies (DEC): I-A, B; II- A, B, D ,E, F, G, H; III-A, B, D, F; IV-B,D, E

2. Topic: Growth and Development & Nutrition in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural
and ethnic groups from infancy through adolescence.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Discuss the vocational nurses role in various settings where care of pediatric patients is provided.
b)    Illustrate the process of cognitive development in pediatric patients.
c)    Compare physiological and functional changes that occur with normal growth and development
d)    Use the nursing process to provide care to pediatric patients in a variety of health care settings.
e)    Illustrate major biophysical changes occurring in pediatric patients.
f)    Describe techniques utilized in the physical assessment of pediatric patients
g)    Explain the use of the Denver Developmental Screening Test in assessing development.
h)    Discuss social and environmental influences on the pediatric patient
i)    Distinguish the effect of family dynamics upon the stages of growth and development.
j)    Identify socio-environmental factors that may inhibit the pediatric patient from meeting needs and realizing potentials
k)    Explain how the interplay of biologic factors, environmental forces, and self-concept predisposes a child to healthy or altered behavior.
l)    Discuss psychological responses of family members to the illness of a child in the family.
m)    Identify nursing considerations for the child and family in the community.
n)    Determine common stressors affecting pediatric patients in various health care settings.
o)    Identify community and social resources available to assist in providing continuing care for pediatric patients and their families
p)    Relate the principles of growth and development to major theorists and give examples of each.
q)    Use multiple theories of growth and development when providing nursing care to pediatric patients
r)    Relate a pediatric patients perception of health and illness to the patients psychosocial and developmental levels.
s)    Explain communication strategies appropriate for pediatric patients of all ages and stages of development.
t)    Describe the factors which affect a pediatric patients response to hospitalization and treatment.
u)    Discriminate major concepts of successful socialization.
v)    Discuss major nutritional concepts pertaining to growth and development of the pediatric patient.
w)    Explain nutritional assessment and eating disorders in infants, children and adolescents
x)    Determine the types of therapeutic play and recreation employed with pediatric patients.
y)    Identify health needs, concerns, & risk factors for individuals in each stage of development.
z)    Discuss health promotion for the infant, young child, older child and adolescent.
aa)    Identify legal and ethical standards related to assessment of pediatric patients.
bb)    Use a systematic and developmentally appropriate approach for examining pediatric patients of all ages.
cc)    Describe normal physical examination findings of pediatric patients.
dd)    Document findings utilizing appropriate terminology.
ee)    Discuss pain assessment and management of the pediatric patient.
DEC: I-A, B; II-A,B,C ,D, E,G, H; III-A,B,C,D,E,F; IV-A, B,C D, E

3.    Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural and ethnic groups who have health problems of the Musculoskeletal system.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Compare the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal systems of adults and children.
b)    Outline the incidence and etiology of musculoskeletal disorders in pediatric patients.
c)    Summarize the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of musculoskeletal disorders in pediatric patients.
d)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have musculoskeletal disorders.
e)    Relate the psychosocial impact of musculoskeletal disease on pediatric patients and their families.
f)    Assist in identifying goals for discharge planning/rehabilitation of pediatric patients experiencing a musculoskeletal disorder.
g)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.
DEC: I-A, B; II-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H; III-B, C, D; IV-A, B, C, D, E

4.    Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural
and ethnic groups who have health problems of the Gastrointestinal system.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Compare the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal systems of adults and children.
b)    Outline the incidence and etiology of gastrointestinal disorders in pediatric patients.
c)    Summarize the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of gastrointestinal disorders in pediatric patients.
d)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have gastrointestinal disorders.
e)    Relate the psychosocial impact of gastrointestinal disease on pediatric patients and their families.
f)    Assist in identifying goals for discharge planning/rehabilitation of pediatric patients experiencing a gastrointestinal disorder.
g)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.
DEC: I-A, B; II-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H; III-B, C, D; IV-A, B, C, D, E

5.    Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural and ethnic groups who have health problems of the Genitourinary system.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Compare the anatomy and physiology of the genitourinary systems of adults and children.
b)    Outline the incidence and etiology of genitourinary disorders in pediatric patients.
c)    Summarize the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of genitourinary disorders in pediatric patients.
d)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have genitourinary disorders.
e)    Relate the psychosocial impact of genitourinary disease on pediatric patients and their families.
f)    Assist in identifying goals for discharge planning/rehabilitation of pediatric patients experiencing a genitourinary disorder.
g)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in the treatment of genitourinary disorders.
DEC: I-A, B; II-A,B,C,D, E, F,G, H; III-B, C, D,E,F; IV-A, B, C,D, E

6. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural
and ethnic groups who have Communicable Diseases and Immune Disorders.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Describe the process of infection and modes of transmission in the pediatric patient.
b)    Recognize common infectious and communicable diseases in the pediatric patient.
c)    Outline the incidence and etiology of communicable diseases and immune disorders in pediatric patients.
d)    Summarize the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of communicable diseases and immune disorders in pediatric patients.
e)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have communicable diseases and immune disorders.
f)    Relate the psychosocial impact of communicable diseases and immune disorders on pediatric patients and their families.
g)    Assist in identifying goals for discharge planning/rehabilitation of pediatric patients experiencing communicable diseases and immune disorders.
h)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in the treatment of communicable diseases and immune disorders.
DEC: I-A, B; II-A, B,C, D, G, H; III-B, C, D, F; IV-A, B,C ,D, E

7. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural
and ethnic groups who Skin Conditions.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    The anatomy and physiology of the integumentary systems of children.
b)    Outline the incidence and etiology of integumentary disorders in pediatric patients.
c)    Summarize the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of integumentary disorders in pediatric patients.
d)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have integumentary disorders.
e)    Relate the psychosocial impact of integumentary disease on pediatric patients and their families.
f)    Assist in identifying goals for discharge planning/rehabilitation of pediatric patients experiencing an integumentary disorder.
g)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in the treatment of the integumentary system.
DEC: I-A, B; II-A, B,C, D, G, H; III-B, C, D, F; IV-A, B,C ,D, E

8. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural
and ethnic groups who have health problems of the Respiratory System.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Compare the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory systems of adults and
b)    Outline the incidence and etiology of respiratory disorders in pediatric patients.
c)    Summarize the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of respiratory
    disorders in pediatric patients.
d)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to
    pediatric patients who have respiratory disorders.
e)    Relate the psychosocial impact of respiratory disease on pediatric patients and
    their families.
f)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of
    common pharmacological agents used in the treatment of respiratory disorders.
g)    Relate the psychosocial impact of nose and throat disorders on pediatric patients.
h)    Identify goals for prevention and treatment of nose and throat disorders in pediatric patients.
DEC: I-A, B; II-A, B, C, D, E, F, F, G, H; II-B, E, F, G, H; III-B, D; IV-A,B, C, D

9.    Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural and ethnic groups who have health problems of the Blood & Lymphatic system.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Compare the anatomy and physiology of the blood & lymphatic systems of adults and children.
b)    Outline the incidence and etiology of blood & lymphatic in pediatric patients.
c)    Summarize the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of blood & lymphatic in pediatric patients.
d)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have blood & lymphatic disorders.
e)    Relate the psychosocial impact of blood & lymphatic disease on pediatric patients and their families.
f)    Assist in identifying goals for discharge planning/rehabilitation of pediatric patients experiencing a blood & lymphatic disorder.
g)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in the treatment of blood & lymphatic disorders.
h)    Outline the incidence and etiology of disorders of white blood cells in pediatric patients
i)    Summarize the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of disorders of white blood cells in pediatric patients.
j)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have disorders of white blood cells.
k)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have life-threatening conditions.
l)    Relate the psychosocial impact of life-threatening conditions on pediatric patients
m)    Assist in identifying goals for providing care to pediatric patients who are dying.
n)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in the treatment of life-threatening illness.
o)    Relate the psychosocial impact of life threatening conditions on pediatric patients and their families
p)    Assist in identifying goals for discharge planning/rehabilitation of pediatric patients.
q)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in pediatric patients.
DEC: I-A, B; II-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H; III-B, C, D; IV-A, B, C, D, E

10.    Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural and ethnic groups who have health problems of the Cardiovascular system.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Compare the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular systems of adults and children.
b)    Outline the incidence and etiology of cardiovascular disorders in pediatric patients.
c)    Summarize the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of cardiovascular disorders in pediatric patients.
d)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have cardiovascular disorders.
e)    Relate the psychosocial impact of cardiovascular disease on pediatric patients and their families.
f)    Assist in identifying goals for discharge planning/rehabilitation of pediatric patients experiencing a cardiovascular disorder.
g)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders.
DEC: I-A, B; II-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H; III-B, C, D; IV-A, B, C, D, E

11.    Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural and ethnic groups who have health problems of the Sensory/Neurological system.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Compare the anatomy and physiology of the eyes, ears of adults and children.
b)    Assess abnormalities in vision and hearing in pediatric patients.
c)    Outline the incidence and etiology of eye, ear disorders in pediatric patients.    
d)    Relate the psychosocial impact of eye, ear disorders on pediatric patients.
e)    Identify goals for prevention and treatment of eye, ear disorders in pediatric patients.
f)    Compare the anatomy and physiology of the sensory/neurological systems of adults and children.
g)    Outline the incidence and etiology of sensory/neurological disorders in pediatric patients.
h)    Summarize the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of sensory/neurological disorders in pediatric patients.
i)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have sensory/neurological disorders.
j)    Relate the psychosocial impact of sensory/neurological disease on pediatric patients and their families
k)    Assist in identifying goals for discharge planning/rehabilitation of pediatric patients experiencing sensory/ neurological disorders.
l)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in the treatment sensory/neurological disorders.
    DEC: I-A, B; II-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H; III-B, C, D; IV-A, B, C, D,

12.    Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural and ethnic groups who have Emotional and Behavioral Conditions.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Outline the incidence and etiology of emotional and behavioral conditions in pediatric patients.
b)    Summarize the clinical manifestations of emotional and behavioral conditions in pediatric patients.
c)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have emotional and behavioral conditions.
d)    Relate the psychosocial impact of emotional and behavioral conditions on pediatric and their families.
e)    Assist in identifying goals for discharge planning/rehabilitation of pediatric patients experiencing emotional and behavioral conditions.
f)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in the treatment of emotional and behavioral conditions.
DEC: I-A, B; II-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H; III-B, C, D; IV-A, B, C, D, E

13.    Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for pediatric patients of various cultural and ethnic groups who have Metabolic Conditions.
Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to:
a)    Compare the anatomy and physiology of the endocrine systems of adults and children.
b)    Outline the incidence and etiology of endocrine disorders in pediatric patients.
c)    Summarize the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of endocrine disorders in pediatric patients.
d)    Differentiate the medical and nursing management used to provide safe care to pediatric patients who have endocrine disorders.
e)    Relate the psychosocial impact of endocrine disease on pediatric patients and their families.
f)    Assist in identifying goals for discharge planning/rehabilitation of pediatric patients experiencing an endocrine disorder.
g)    Categorize the classification, action, side-effects, and nursing responsibilities of common pharmacological agents used in the treatment of endocrine disorders.
DEC: I-A, B; II-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H; III-B, C, D; IV-A, B, C, D, E

HB 2504 This syllabus is part of LSC-PA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504.